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What To Expect From Your Liposuction Consultation

You have probably heard a lot of hype about the latest liposuction technique - the Smartlipo procedure. Many people have already tried this procedure and are quite happy with the results. In Orange County, you will likely be treated by a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in all types of cosmetic procedures. During your consultation, he or she will ask you many questions in order to determine if this is the right procedure for you.

During your consultation, the doctor will evaluate your goals, concerns, and medical history. He or she will also take into consideration your age, weight, health issues, as well as your overall appearance. Your consultation will help the doctor to develop a target procedure that is right for you, one that will meet your goals, as well as your budget. The outcome of your consultation will help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure or not. If you have any health conditions or underlying problems that may disqualify you, your liposuction Orange County California doctor will make this information clear to you before you ever even get started.

Liposuction can help remove fat from a variety of locations. There are two areas that are commonly treated - the abdomen and the flanks. Abdominoplasty is the name given to liposuction of the abdomen. This procedure targets the love handles by removing excess skin and subcutaneous fat from the lower abdominal area. Many people refer to this procedure as 'love handles removal'. The surgeon uses a long, curved instrument called a cannula to suction away the fat, which is then removed through small incisions in the abdomen.

If you don't have much excess fat in the area of your treatment area, a simple cosmetic surgery can make an excellent candidate for removal. Many patients come to Orange County plastic surgery clinics with areas of loose skin or redness in the skin surrounding the abdominal muscles. In this case, cosmetic surgery can be used to tighten the loose skin and reduce the redness to give the patient a better appearance. Sometimes this type of treatment requires no surgery at all, but simply a touch up with foundation or concealer.

If you have a large volume of stubborn fat within the upper body, you may also require liposuction to remove this excess body fat. For this condition, you will likely need a general anesthesia and your surgery will be scheduled according to your hospital's rules on pre-authorization and post-authorization. The surgery will usually be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and the recovery period is generally short and limited to moderate swelling.

Liposuction is a great option for those who need it, but want to avoid some of the more invasive surgical procedures. You can learn more about the procedure and what to expect during your consultation by contacting your cosmetic surgeon in Orange County or by speaking with your doctor via phone. He or she will be able to give you more information about the procedure and answer any questions that you may have. You should feel comfortable speaking with them and being completely honest with them about any health conditions that you may have and any other issues that are of concern to you. Your surgeon will provide you with the answers you seek to ensure you are satisfied with your results. At: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominoplasty you can get more enlightened on this topic.

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